6 Strategies to Help You Increase Online Sales

6 Strategies to Help You Increase Online Sales 1200 x 1200

6 Strategies to Help You Increase Online Sales 1200 x 1200

Are you a small business owner with an ecommerce business or who offers services through your website? Do you want to know how you can build a profitable sales pipeline and increase online sales?

If the answer to both the questions is yes, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll share six strategies that you can use to sell more on your website and increase online sales.

How to Increase Online Sales with Your Website

Online sales are essential to so many small businesses. Let’s look at six different strategies that you can use to drive more traffic to your website and garner more attention for your products and services so you can increase sales.

1. Create a High Converting Landing Page

Did you know that people spend only 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) to form an opinion about a web page? In this brief period, your visitors perceive either a positive or negative opinion that directly influences their decision to do business with you.

That’s why creating an effective landing page is critical to your business. With a visually appealing design and great content, you can not only captivate your visitors’ attention but also sell more online.

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Tips to create amazing landing pages:

  • Keep your landing page design simple yet attractive.
  • Create compelling content with an irresistible call to action.
  • Don’t overwhelm your customers with too many options.
  • Avoid exaggeration at all costs.

2. Add Videos to Your Content Marketing Strategy

Videos are great when it comes to engaging your audience and boosting organic site ranking. But that’s not all — having videos on your landing page can lower the bounce rate by 34% and increase sales. Customers are 144% more likely to buy products after watching a video.

There are hundreds of video content ideas you can employ in your content marketing strategy. From brand stories to customer experience, educational to inspirational. All you need is a creative blend of great storytelling ability and decision making skills.

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With videos, you can educate your customers about a product or service, entertain them, and create brand awareness.

You can add videos anywhere on a page but if they’re about a product or service you’re selling, place them at the top of the landing page. 

3. Optimize Your Content for Your Ideal Buyer

Want to increase organic traffic to your website and increase online sales? Content is your weapon. 

By creating highly engaging, compelling content that speaks to your ideal buyer and is optimized for both search engines and humans, you’ll bring more qualified leads to your site. And that will translate to an increase in online sales!

To ensure you are creating content that resonates with your ideal buyer, you’ll want to ensure that you are conveying how your product or service will solve the readers problem or add value to their life. 

You’ll also want to ensure that the content you are creating is optimized for search engines. A well-defined keyword strategy backed by exceptional content is what you are looking for.

4. Capture Website Visitors So You Can Nurture Them

Not all your visitors are going to purchase on your website on their first visit. Some may want to spend more time exploring your business before they are willing to trust you enough to spend their cash.

To ensure you are capturing visitors to your site who have an interest in your products or services, use a high-converting lead generation form on your website and landing pages. Lead generation forms are created to capture and nurture leads, typically by offering something of high-value in exchange for their name and email. Those high-value items can be infographics, downloads, free samples or anything that relates to their interest. 

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These offers are the first step in building trust with your new prospect – so make it count! And once you’ve captured their information, make sure you continue the conversation and building of the relationship by putting them into a nurture campaign. Nurture campaigns are a great way to build trust with prospects, inform them about your business and products so you can turn them into a life-long customer. 

5. Use Webinars to Draw In New Leads and Prospects

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 58% of B2B marketers use webinars or webcasts as their content marketing strategy. And 32% of them find webcasts integral to the overall success of content marketing.

Webinars are a great tool for generating sales qualified leads and conversions. With these virtual events, you can expand your target market, demonstrate niche authority, and increase online sales.

In an interview I did with webinar training expert Thomas Curran, he shares eight reasons why webinars are a great tool for increasing online sales:

  1. Webinars are one of the greatest ways to promote your business, products, and training.
  2. People are excited to attend webinars in order to learn valuable information that can help them.
  3. Allows you the opportunity of establishing your credibility and authority as a trusted leader within your industry.
  4. You can build your email list.
  5. You can describe how your product, service, training, or coaching is the solution for the customer’s problem.
  6. You can sell your products, services, and training 24 hours a day on auto pilot.
  7. During your webinar presentation, you can overcome objections before you make your offer.
  8. People are more receptive to hearing your pitch or offer for your product or service.

If you are a smart business owner, don’t leave these monetization opportunities that podcasts and webinars offer. 

6. Use Google Ads as a Sales Lead Generator

Increase Online Sales Google Ads Image

Increase Online Sales Google Ads Image

For small business owners that want quick sales success, Google ads are a viable option to consider. 

To make your ad campaigns profitable, define your target audience, and create an advertisement using the best content and keywords. Some other best practices you’ll want to follow, include:

  • Defining your objectives
  • Match the structure of your AdWords account with the structure of your site
  • Post your ads at the right time and at the right place
  • Test your ads and let the figures speak for themselves
  • Optimize your site

Google offers 7 ad campaign choices:

  • Search campaigns
  • Display campaigns
  • Video campaigns
  • Shopping campaigns
  • App campaigns
  • Local campaigns
  • Smart campaigns

Based on your requirement, you can choose one or multiple ad campaigns to get going.

When optimizing for Google ads, performing a negative keyword search can save you a substantial amount of money. Negative keywords prevent your ad from appearing to irrelevant search results and save your money.

Competition for online sales is at an all-time high. But that shouldn’t stop you from selling more. All you need is the right strategy and patience. Apply these strategies mentioned above and experience a gradual rise in online sales. 

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