The SmallBizChat Podcast: Digital Marketing Strategies with Jim Banks
Jim Banks is a Serial Entrepreneur, Keynote Speaker, and CEO of Spades Media, a growth agency that works with ecommerce businesses. He is one of the pioneers of digital marketing and has worked in this field for over 20 years. His digital marketing agency uses cutting-edge buying techniques to deliver incredible results for companies looking to grow. Jim has generated over $1.7-billion in revenue for his clients and over $2.5m in leads for B2B companies.
In today’s episode, Jim shares his expertise on digital marketing strategies and the things you need to understand before spending money on online ads. He shares tips on setting up a Google Ads account and explains how to use Facebook advertising. He reveals how the context of keywords changes based on location, time of the search, and other factors. He discusses what you should include in online ads and what you need to avoid on your landing page. He also shares what you need to think about when setting a budget for online advertising and tips for anyone trying online ads for the first time.
“Paid ads can be like the rocket fuel that really gets your ship off the ground that can launch you stratospheric if you get it right.” – Jim Banks
Listen to the podcast below:
This week on SmallBizChat Podcast:
- What you need to know before spending money on online ads
- Tips on setting up your Google Ads account and Facebook advertising
- How the context of a keyword changes due to various factors
- What to include in your online ads to encourage people to buy from you
- Things to avoid for your landing page experience
- The three golden rules for getting reviews
- What you need to think about when creating a pricing structure
- Should you do your own Facebook ads or hire an agency
- Choosing a budget when getting started with online marketing
- Jim’s best advice for anyone trying online ads for the first time
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