13 Best Online Customer Satisfaction Tools to Help You Get Repeat Business

13 Best Online Customer Satisfaction Tools to Help You Get Repeat Business social image

13 Best Online Customer Satisfaction Tools to Help You Get Repeat Business social image

Online customer satisfaction tools have been on the rise over the past few years. When you don’t know how your customers feel about your brand, you can’t know if they plan to buy from you again. In fact, 91% of your unhappy customers won’t even tell you they’re disgruntled—you’ll just never see them again. But what if you could understand more about how your customers feel and ensure that your customers were more satisfied and more likely to buy from you again? 

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is one of the most popular support metrics to know how your business measures up against users’ expectations. With hundreds of CSAT tools out there, how do you know which one to choose for your team?  Here’s a list of online customer satisfaction tools that are worth using to track your customers’ experience.

13 Online Customer Satisfaction Tools for Your Small Business 

13 Online Customer Satisfaction Tools for Your Small Business image

13 Online Customer Satisfaction Tools for Your Small Business image

If you don’t measure it, you can’t fix it! This is true in all areas of business, including customer satisfaction. Check out each of these online customer satisfaction tools to see which is right for your small business.


surveymonkey homepage

surveymonkey homepage

SurveyMonkey is one of the most common customer satisfaction tools for small businesses. It offers a variety of customer questionnaires and customizable CSAT forms. It’s a great choice for small businesses that want to ask for customer feedback at different parts of the customer journey.


getfeedback homepage image

getfeedback homepage image

Customer feedback, simplified. The Getfeedback tool measures the voice of your customer in real-time so you can take action and provide an exceptional experience. “Build, distribute, analyze, and act” is the CSAT workflow on the GetFeedback platform. By the way, this is another product from Survey Monkey that targets small to mid-size businesses.


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Nicereply is a customer survey tool that allows you to send customized CSAT questionnaires seamlessly in every interaction or after ticket resolution. Get more customer feedback than ever before with Customer Satisfaction, Customer Effort Score (CES), and Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys from Nicereply. It also offers opportunities to ask for additional questions, use multiple scales, and report your progress.


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qualaroo homepage image

This software allows you to survey visitors on your website or app. You can look at your analytics to see which pages people are exiting your site from, but that doesn’t paint the entire picture. You want to know why they’re leaving. Qualaroo helps you create surveys and feedback forms that help you understand why people abandon shopping carts and whether they would refer you to a friend, as well as other valuable feedback that you can then use to tweak your website and checkout process.


Lumoa homepage image

Lumoa homepage image

Lumoa is a customer experience platform that allows you to manage your CSAT feedback in a simple manner. Built from the ground up with AI, Lumoa helps you automatically generate, track, and act on insights from your customers, employees, and markets. You can analyze your survey answers and understand which activities drive your CSAT score up (and down). Use Lumoa to analyze other types of surveys, too.


SmileBack homepage image

SmileBack homepage image

SmileBack builds frictionless customer surveys. They are on our list of online customer satisfaction tools for the busy small business owner because their surveys are just one click! That’s why response rates are so high—a whopping 42% on average. And you’ll get tons of comments too through the text prompt that comes up next since the user is now invested in the process. You can filter CSAT results by customer, agent, ticket status, or other criteria, and learn where to focus your attention.


Survicate homepage

Survicate homepage

Survicate offers a light-weight survey tool that advises building questionnaires based on user personas. Survicate offers survey templates, personalized experiences, and various survey distribution opportunities. You can also collect feedback from different channels (like Facebook or email) into the central Feedback Hub.


birdeye homepage

birdeye homepage

BirdEye is a customer review management tool that offers sophisticated CSAT surveys. You can distribute surveys in all channels, including text messages, and let the Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine analyze the responses that you receive. One of the best features is that it comes with a benchmarking tool that helps to compare your results against your competitors.


Qualtrics homepage image

Qualtrics homepage image

Qualtrics is one of the online customer satisfaction tools that allows you to gather, analyze, and act on customer feedback with a powerful customer feedback platform designed to help you improve your customer experience. Start conversations with customers on any channel and turn their feedback into insights that help drive customer spend and loyalty. From post-transaction evaluations to periodic satisfaction surveys and continuous satisfaction tracking, Qualtrics offers feedback capabilities for SMS, voice, social, web, app, and other touchpoints with customers.

Customer Thermometer

Customer Thermometer homepage image

Customer Thermometer homepage image

Customer Thermometer delivers one-click surveys with powerful analytics. Whether you’re looking to get feedback on support tickets, helpdesk insights, or simply hear more often from your customers, do it in style with a simple, engaging survey tool like Customer Thermometer

It offers four engaging solutions for collecting CSAT and reducing customer effort, including email signature surveys.


vendasta homepage

vendasta homepage

Vendasta is one of the best online customer satisfaction tools for those who want to sell online to local customers. It helps you track customer trends to give them options online and instore. You can manage your social media updates for your business and better manage your reputation everywhere.


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SurveySparrow powers omnichannel experience management platforms with easy-to-use CSAT and other customer surveys. It offers vast opportunities for automating tasks and building workflows that suit your needs. They can track customer experience, employee experience, and product experience. Any touchpoint you have with a customer can be surveyed and tracked, including Email, Video, SMS, Social Media, QR Code, and Web Visitors, etc. 


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Wootric is a customer insight tool built for CX champions. Wootric pairs CSAT up with PSAT (Product Satisfaction Score), which helps you separate product-related information from the rest of the customer feedback. They also offer ‘voice of the customer’ and ‘voice of the employee’ surveys, which are really helpful for the long-term success of any business. 

Whatever online customer satisfaction tools you use, it still will take effort on your part to actually implement changes to improve how your customers feel about your brand. If customers are tweeting about your shoddy product, improve it. If Yelp shows that your restaurant’s servers are less than helpful, hold some customer service training sessions. Your results are only as good as the effort you put into making your customers happy. No online customer satisfaction tools will do that on their own for you.

Once you gather information about your customers and employees how they feel, what will you do with that knowledge? It’s worth creating a plan to determine what steps you can take — and how often you implement changes — to ensure that you aim for 100% customer satisfaction.

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